Timezone, date and time format settings
How to change how the date is formatted and what timezone the date and time is placed in.
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How to change how the date is formatted and what timezone the date and time is placed in.
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Sometimes the date/time format or timezone might need to be changed when using Portant. This article will show you how to change these setting to suit your geography.
In this article you’ll learn how to:
Change the date and time format
Change the timezone
To change the date or time format, you need to open the Data Merge Settings, by going to Data Merge > Options.
Then scroll down to the Date and Timezone section, here is where you can change the date and time format via the drop down menus.
The timezone setting is located in the same place as the date and time format (above). Select your timezone from the drop down menu.
We created Portant in 2021 and the feedback we have received since then has been very helpful and greatly appreciated. If you have any feedback please feel free to send us an email at contact@portant.co
Blake and James
Portant can help you mail merge in Google Docs.