Resend signature requests
Portant offers a fantastic feature that allows you to resend a signature request to a recipient. This is particularly helpful if the recipient forgot to sign a document, as you can quickly follow a few simple steps instead of rerunning the entire automation.
In this article you will learn how to:
Resend signature requests
Resend signature requests
The first step is to open your output page:
Next, you'll see a list of all the items created by your workflow. Click on the dropdown button on the left side to view all outputs created by each automation.
Finally, click on "Resend." The resend button will only be visible for automations where the signable document has not yet been signed.
Now, your recipient will receive a new signature request. Please note that all signature requests will expire after 30 days.
Feedback and feature suggestions
We created Portant in 2021 and the feedback we have received since then has been very helpful and greatly appreciated. If you have any feedback please feel free to send us an email at or use our contact form here:
Blake and James
Last updated