Cancel Signature
Cancel signature request automation items
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Cancel signature request automation items
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Did you know that Portant now allows you to rescind a signature request?
In this article, you will learn how to:
Cancel signature request automation items
In this article, we will jump straight to canceling a signature request from the review block in your workflow. However, if this is your first time creating a signature request workflow, please refer to this article to learn more.
Note: The option to rescind the signature request is available only for workflows that have a Review Block. To learn more about how to use the Review Block, refer to this article.
The first step is to access your Outputs page:
Next, choose the specific document line you wish to work with. You will see an icon featuring three dots positioned on the right-hand side of your screen, click on it and subsequently select "Cancel Signature Request":
After canceling the signature request, these items will return to the review stage.
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