Editing tag names
How to edit and shorten tag names to help with the template formatting or to increase understanding
Last updated
How to edit and shorten tag names to help with the template formatting or to increase understanding
Last updated
Sometimes you may need to edit a tag name to make it shorter to help with the template formatting or to increase understanding. You can easily edit tag names in Portant Data Merge with a few simple steps.
You can change tag names to make them shorter, or more understandable, by following these steps:
Click the Source Row to open the options.
Enter the new tag name in the text box
Hit enter on your keyboard or click the row again. You know the tag has been changed when the tag icon in the button is solid blue (instead of outlined).
Note - Tag names need to be unique and can’t be the same as any other data source row or tag name.
We created Portant in 2021 and the feedback we have received since then has been very helpful and greatly appreciated. If you have any feedback please feel free to send us an email at contact@portant.co
Blake and James