Support Codes
How to copy the support code from your output items
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How to copy the support code from your output items
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Support codes are a great resource to help our team debug any issues you experience. They enable us to capture all the details about the automation item and quickly address issues you may encounter. You can find it in a few easy steps! Check it out! 🤠
In this article, you'll learn how to:
Copy a Portant support code
To find your Portant Support code, first go to your output page:
Next, you'll see a list of all the items in your workflow. To spot items with errors, keep an eye out for the status icon – it will be marked in yellow if the automation item has errors. Then, when you find the Automation item you need the support code for, On the right-hand side, you'll notice an icon featuring three dots. Give it a click, and then select "Copy Support Code":
The support code is now copied to your clipboard. You can now open up our support chat and paste it into a message to provide our support team with the support code. This will enable us to investigate the issue preventing your automation item from running smoothly. 🙌
We created Portant in 2021, and the feedback we have received since then has been very helpful and greatly appreciated. If you have any feedback, please feel free to send us an email at